🌡️ 📆 令和6年4月19日

Table of Contents

Masaki Yoshio, Ralph J. Brodd, Akiya Kozawa (Eds.). Lithium-Ion Batteries . Springer,.





Table of Contents

1. Synopsis of the Lithium-Ion Battery Markets.
2. A Review of Positive Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
3. Carbon Anode Materials.
4. Role-Assigned Electrolytes: Additives.
5. Carbon-Conductive Additives for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
6. Applications of Polyvinylidene Fluoride-related materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
7. SBR Binder (for Negative Electrode) and ACM Binder (for Positive Electrode).
8. Production Processes for Fabrication of Lithium-Ion Batteries.
9. Polyanionic Cathode-Active Materials.
10. Overcharge Behavior of Metal Oxide-Coated Cathode Materials.
11. Development of Metal Alloy Anodes.
12. HEV Application.
13. Flame-Retardant Additives for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
14. High-Energy Capacitor Based on Graphite Cathode and Activated Carbon Anode.
15. Development of LiCoO2 Used for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery.
16. Cathode Materials: LiNiO2 and Related Compounds.
17. Manganese-Containing Cathode-Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
18. Trends in Carbon Material as an Anode in Lithium-Ion Battery.
19. Functional Electrolytes Specially Designed for Lithium-Ion Batteries.
20. Lithium-Ion Battery Separators.
21. Polymer Electrolyte and Polymer Battery.
22. A Novel Hard-Carbon Optimized to Large-Size Lithium-Ion Secondary Batteries.- LiMn2O4 as a Large-Capacity Positive Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries.


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 > Table of Contents
Masaki Yoshio, Ralph J. Brodd, Akiya Kozawa (Eds.), Lithium-Ion Batteries, Springer, , (2009).

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<br/> Masaki Yoshio, Ralph J. Brodd, Akiya Kozawa (Eds.).
<cite> <a href="https://edu.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/developer/Asp/Youzan/@BookRequest.asp?nBookRequestID=464"> Lithium-Ion Batteries </a> </cite>.
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