🌡️ 📆 令和6年4月27日


Attribute VB_Name = "codeMolView"

Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long

Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

Dim XM!(1000)

Dim YM!(1000)

Dim ZM!(1000)

Dim AM%(1000)

Public nMode% '表示の仕方 1 ボンド無し 2 プレン無し

Public szOpenedFileName$

Public szTempFileName$

Public bLightPos%

Function GetAtomSymbol(A) As String

Dim obj As Object

Set obj = CreateObject("ChemicalComponent.Atom")

obj.Index = A

GetAtomSymbol = obj.Symbol

Set obj = Nothing

End Function

Sub InsertAtom(nFile%, X!, Y!, Z!, A)


If A > 0 Then


InsertMaterial nFile%, A


End If

Print #1, "Separator {"

InsertTranslation nFile%, X!, Y!, Z!

r! = GetIonRadious(A, 0) / 10

InsertSphere nFile%, r!

Print #1, "}"

'InsertOrbital nFile%

End If

End Sub

Sub InsertOrbital(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "Separator {"

InsertGlass nFile%

pi = 3.14159265358979

N% = 16

m% = 8

ds = 1 / N% * pi * 2

dp = 1 / m% * pi / 2

RR = 2

For i% = 0 To N%

s = i% / N% * pi * 2

For J% = -m% To m%

P = J% / m% * pi / 2

Rr1 = InvWave(2, 1, 0, 0.5, s, P)

Rr2 = InvWave(2, 1, 0, 0.5, s + ds, P)

Rr3 = InvWave(2, 1, 0, 0.5, s + ds, P + dp)

Rr4 = InvWave(2, 1, 0, 0.5, s, P + dp)

X1! = Rr1 * Cos(s) * Cos(P)

Y1! = Rr1 * Sin(s) * Cos(P)

Z1! = Rr1 * Sin(P)

X2! = Rr2 * Cos(s + ds) * Cos(P)

Y2! = Rr2 * Sin(s + ds) * Cos(P)

Z2! = Rr2 * Sin(P)

X3! = Rr3 * Cos(s + ds) * Cos(P + dp)

Y3! = Rr3 * Sin(s + ds) * Cos(P + dp)

Z3! = Rr3 * Sin(P + dp)

X4! = Rr4 * Cos(s) * Cos(P + dp)

Y4! = Rr4 * Sin(s) * Cos(P + dp)

Z4! = Rr4 * Sin(P + dp)

Print #nFile%, "Coordinate3 { point ["

Print #nFile%, X1!, Y1!, Z1!; ","

Print #nFile%, X2!, Y2!, Z2!; ","

Print #nFile%, X3!, Y3!, Z3!; ","

Print #nFile%, X4!, Y4!, Z4!

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "IndexedFaceSet {"

Print #nFile%, "coordIndex ["

Print #nFile%, "0,1,2,3"

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"



Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Function InvWave(N%, m%, L%, pp, t, P)

Exit Function

s = 0

ppp = 1

Do While ppp > pp

r = 0.01 * Exp(s / 10)

ppp = SchrodingerWaveFunction(N%, m%, L%, r, t, P)

s = s + 1


End Function

Public Function SchrodingerWaveFunction(N%, m%, L%, r, t, P)

PrincipalQuantumNumber = N%

AzimuthalQuantumNumber = m%

MagneticQuantumNumber = L%

Dim r0 As Double

Dim Z As Double

Dim pi As Double

r0 = 0.5

Z = 1

pi = 3.14159265

Select Case PrincipalQuantumNumber '主量子数

Case 1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / Sqr(pi) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * Exp(-Z * r / r0)

Case 2

Select Case AzimuthalQuantumNumber '方位量子数

Case 0


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (4 * Sqr(2 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (2 - Z * r / r0) * Exp(-Z * r / (2 * r0))

Case 1

Select Case MagneticQuantumNumber '磁気量子数

Case -1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (4 * Sqr(2 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * Z * r / r0 * Exp(-Z * r / (2 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Sin(P)

Case 0


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (4 * Sqr(2 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * Z * r / r0 * Exp(-Z * r / (2 * r0)) * Cos(t)

Case 1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (4 * Sqr(2 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * Z * r / r0 * Exp(-Z * r / (2 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Cos(P)

End Select

End Select

Case 3

Select Case AzimuthalQuantumNumber '方位量子数

Case 0


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (27 - 18 * Z * r / r0 + 2 * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2) * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0))

Case 1

Select Case MagneticQuantumNumber '磁気量子数

Case -1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) * (6 - Z * r / r0) * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Sin(P)

Case 0


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) * (6 - Z * r / r0) * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Cos(t)

Case 1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 1 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) * (6 - Z * r / r0) * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Cos(P)

End Select

Case 2

Select Case MagneticQuantumNumber '磁気量子数

Case -2


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 2 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2 * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) ^ 2 * Sin(2 * P)

Case -1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 2 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2 * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Cos(t) * Cos(P)

Case 0


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 2 / (27 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2 * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * (Cos(P) ^ 2 - 1 / 3)

Case 1


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 2 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2 * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) * Cos(t) * Sin(P)

Case 2


SchrodingerWaveFunction = 2 / (81 * Sqr(3 * pi)) * (Z / r0) ^ (3 / 2) * (Z * r / r0) ^ 2 * Exp(-Z * r / (3 * r0)) * Sin(t) ^ 2 * Cos(2 * P)

End Select

End Select

End Select

End Function

Sub InsertString(nFile%, X!, Y!, Z!, b$, A$)

Print #nFile%, "Separator {"

InsertTranslation nFile%, X!, Y!, Z!

Print #nFile%, "Scale {"

Print #nFile%, " scaleFactor 0.08 0.08 0.08"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "AsciiText {"

Print #nFile%, "string [" + Chr$(34) + A$ + Chr$(34) + "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Function GetIonRadious(A, b%) As Double

Dim obj As Object

Set obj = CreateObject("ChemicalComponent.Atom")

GetIonRadious = obj.GetIonRadious(CInt(A), b%)

Set obj = Nothing

End Function

Sub InsertBond(nFile%, XR!, YR!, ZR!, XL!, YL!, ZL!)


If PREVIOUS_LINE <> "1" Then

InsertGuru nFile%


End If

Print #nFile%, "Separator {"

Print #nFile%, "Coordinate3 { point ["

Print #nFile%, XR!, YR!, ZR!; ","

Print #nFile%, XL!, YL!, ZL!

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "IndexedLineSet {"

Print #nFile%, "coordIndex ["

Print #nFile%, "0,1"

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertGass(nFile%, r!, G!, b!)

Print #nFile%, "Material {"

Print #nFile%, "ambientColor 0.1 0.1 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "diffuseColor "; r! / 2, G! / 2, b! / 2

Print #nFile%, "specularColor 0.1 0.1 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0"

Print #nFile%, "shininess 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "transparency 0"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertGlass(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "Material {"

Print #nFile%, "ambientColor 0.3 0.3 0.5"

Print #nFile%, "diffuseColor 0.5 0.5 0.9"

Print #nFile%, "specularColor 0.5 0.5 0.9"

Print #nFile%, "emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0"

Print #nFile%, "shininess 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "transparency 0.4"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertGuru(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "Material {"

Print #nFile%, "ambientColor 0.1 0.5 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "diffuseColor 0.2 0.5 0.2"

Print #nFile%, "specularColor 0.2 0.5 0.2"

Print #nFile%, "emissiveColor 0.0 0.4 0.0"

Print #nFile%, "shininess 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "transparency 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertMetal(nFile%, r!, G!, b!)

Print #nFile%, "Material {"

Print #nFile%, "ambientColor 0.1 0.1 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "diffuseColor 0.1 0.1 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "specularColor "; 1 - (1 - r!) / 2, 1 - (1 - G!) / 2, 1 - (1 - b!) / 2

Print #nFile%, "emissiveColor 0.0 0.0 0"

Print #nFile%, "shininess 0.1"

Print #nFile%, "transparency 0"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertShapeHints(nFile%)

Print #1, "ShapeHints{"

Print #1, "vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE"

Print #1, "shapeType SOLID"

Print #1, "faceType CONVEX"

Print #1, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertSphere(nFile%, r!)

Print #1, "Sphere {"

Print #1, "radius "; r!

Print #1, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertTranslation(nFile%, X!, Y!, Z!)

Print #nFile%, "Translation {"

Print #nFile%, "translation "; X!; Y!; Z!

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertCamera(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "PerspectiveCamera {"

Print #nFile%, "position 0 2 10"

Print #nFile%, "orientation -1 0 0 0.19"

Print #nFile%, "focalDistance 10"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertPointLight(nFile%, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!)

Print #nFile%, "PointLight {"

Print #nFile%, "on TRUE"

Print #nFile%, "intensity "; A!

Print #nFile%, "color "; r!, G!, b!

Print #nFile%, "location "; X!, Y!, Z!

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertDirectionalLight(nFile%, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!)

Print #nFile%, "DirectionalLight {"

Print #nFile%, "on TRUE"

Print #nFile%, "intensity "; A!

Print #nFile%, "color "; r!, G!, b!

Print #nFile%, "direction "; X!, Y!, Z!

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertMaterial(nFile%, A)

Dim N&, m&, r!, G!, b!

N& = GetAtomColor(A)

RR% = N& / &H10000: m& = N& Mod &H10000

GG% = m& / &H100&: BB% = m& Mod &H100&

r! = RR% / 256

G! = GG% / 256

b! = BB% / 256

If IsMetal(A) Then

InsertMetal nFile%, r!, G!, b!


InsertGass nFile%, r!, G!, b!

End If

End Sub

Function IsMetal(A) As Integer

Dim obj As Object

Set obj = CreateObject("ChemicalComponent.Atom")

obj.Index = A

IsMetal = obj.IsMetal

Set obj = Nothing

End Function

Function GetAtomColor(A) As Long

Dim obj As Object

Set obj = CreateObject("ChemicalComponent.Atom")

obj.Index = A

GetAtomColor = obj.Color

Set obj = Nothing

End Function

Sub InsertScale(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "Scale {"

Print #nFile%, "scaleFactor 10 10 10"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertTriangleSurface(nFile%, X1!, Y1!, Z1!, X2!, Y2!, Z2!, X3!, Y3!, Z3!)

Print #nFile%, "Separator {"

InsertGlass nFile%

Print #nFile%, "Coordinate3 { point ["

Print #nFile%, X1!, Y1!, Z1!; ","

Print #nFile%, X2!, Y2!, Z2!; ","

Print #nFile%, X3!, Y3!, Z3!

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "IndexedFaceSet {"

Print #nFile%, "coordIndex ["

Print #nFile%, "0,1,2"

Print #nFile%, "]"

Print #nFile%, "}"

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub InsertWWW(nFile%)

Print #nFile%, "WWWInline{"

Print #nFile%, "name " + Chr$(34) + "starfield2.wrl" + Chr$(34)

Print #nFile%, "}"

End Sub

Sub MolToVrml(src, dst, nMode)

Dim zParam!(10), szParamText$(10)

Dim LL%(255), RR%(255)

Dim S1%(255), S2%(255), S3%(255)

nAtomMax = 0

nbondmax = 0

nSurfacemax = 0

Open src For Input As #2

Do While Not EOF(2)

Line Input #2, szText$

P% = 1: nToken% = 0: szToken$ = ""

While szText$ <> ""

P% = InStr(szText$, ",")

If P% = 0 Then

szToken$ = szText$

szText$ = ""


szToken$ = Mid$(szText$, 1, P% - 1)

szText$ = Mid$(szText$, P% + 1)

End If

szParamText$(nToken%) = szToken$

zParam!(nToken%) = Val(szToken$)

nToken% = nToken% + 1


Select Case nToken% ' Number を評価します。

Case 4 ' Number の値が 4 の場合。

XM(nAtomMax) = zParam!(0) / 3 + 2

YM(nAtomMax) = zParam!(1) / 3 + 2

ZM(nAtomMax) = zParam!(2) / 3 + 2

AM%(nAtomMax) = zParam!(3) Mod 256

X! = XM(nAtomMax)

Y! = YM(nAtomMax)

Z! = ZM(nAtomMax)

Xmm = Xmm + X

Ymm = Ymm + Y

Zmm = Zmm + Z

aA% = AM%(nAtomMax)

nAtomMax = nAtomMax + 1 '原子の個数

Case 2 ' Number の値が 2 の場合。

LL%(nbondmax) = zParam!(0) - 1

RR%(nbondmax) = zParam!(1) - 1

nbondmax = nbondmax + 1

Case 3 ' Number の値が 3 の場合。

S1%(nSurfacemax) = zParam!(0) - 1

S2%(nSurfacemax) = zParam!(1) - 1

S3%(nSurfacemax) = zParam!(2) - 1

nSurfacemax = nSurfacemax + 1

Case Else ' その他の値の場合。

End Select



U% = 1

m% = 1

Open dst For Output As #1

Print #1, "#VRML V1.0 ascii"

Print #1, ""

Print #1, "DEF BackgroundColor Info {"

Print #1, "string " & Chr(34) & "0.8 0.8 0.8" & Chr(34)

Print #1, "}"

Print #1, "Separator {"

InsertCamera 1

'InsertWWW 1

XP! = 0: YP! = -0.7: ZP! = -0.7: SP! = 0

r! = 1: G! = 1: b! = 1: A! = 1: X! = XP!: Y! = YP!: Z! = ZP!

InsertDirectionalLight 1, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!

XP! = 0: YP! = 1: ZP! = 0: SP! = 0

r! = 1: G! = 1: b! = 1: A! = 0.5: X! = XP!: Y! = YP!: Z! = ZP!

InsertDirectionalLight 1, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!

XP! = -10: YP! = 10: ZP! = 10: SP! = -20

r! = 1: G! = 0.8: b! = 0.8: A! = 0.5: X! = XP! - SP!: Y! = YP! + SP!: Z! = ZP! + SP!

InsertDirectionalLight 1, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!

XP! = -10: YP! = -10: ZP! = -10: SP! = -20

r! = 0.8: G! = 1: b! = 1: A! = 0.5: X! = XP! - SP!: Y! = YP! + SP!: Z! = ZP! + SP!

InsertDirectionalLight 1, r!, G!, b!, A!, X!, Y!, Z!

InsertTranslation 1, -Xmm / nAtomMax, -Ymm / nAtomMax, -Zmm / nAtomMax

Print #1, "FontStyle {"

Print #1, "size 1"

Print #1, "}"

If (nMode And 4) = 4 Then

For i = 0 To nAtomMax - 1

X! = XM(i)

Y! = YM(i)

Z! = ZM(i)

aA% = AM%(i)

Symbol$ = GetAtomSymbol(Str(aA%))


InsertAtom 1, X!, Y!, Z!, aA%


End If

If (nMode And 8) = 8 Then

InsertGuru 1

For i = 0 To nAtomMax - 1

X! = XM(i)

Y! = YM(i)

Z! = ZM(i)

aA% = AM%(i)

Symbol$ = GetAtomSymbol(Str(aA%))


InsertString 1, X!, Y!, Z!, Str(aA%), Format$(CInt(i + 1), "(#)")


End If

Print #1, "Coordinate3 { point ["

For i = 0 To nAtomMax - 1

X! = XM(i)

Y! = YM(i)

Z! = ZM(i)

aA% = AM%(i)

If i = nAtomMax - 1 Then

Print #1, X!, Y!, Z!


Print #1, X!, Y!, Z!; ","

End If


Print #1, "]}"


If (nMode And 1) = 1 Then

InsertGuru 1

For i = 0 To nbondmax - 1

Print #1, "IndexedLineSet {"

Print #1, "coordIndex ["

Write #1, LL%(i), RR%(i)

Print #1, "]}"


End If

If (nMode And 2) = 2 Then

InsertGlass 1

For i = 0 To nSurfacemax - 1

Print #1, "IndexedFaceSet {"

Print #1, "coordIndex ["

Write #1, S1%(i), S2%(i), S3%(i), -1, S3%(i), S2%(i), S1%(i)

Print #1, "]}"


End If

1730 Print #1, "}"

1740 Close

End Sub

Function OpenFile(szFileName$) As String

If szFileName$ = "" Then

MsgBox "ファイルが開かれていません"

Exit Function

End If

If szFileName$ = "" Then Exit Function

szOpenedFileName$ = szFileName$


OpenFile = szTempFileName$

End Function

Function GetNewFileName() As String

Dim nBufferLength&

nBufferLength& = 255

Dim szPath As String * 255

Dim wResult&

Dim wUnique&

Dim szPrefix As String * 255

Dim szTempFileName As String * 255

szPrefix$ = "MLV"

wUnique& = 0

wResult& = GetTempPath(nBufferLength&, szPath$)

GetNewPath$ = MidB$(szPath$, 1, LenB(szPath$))

wResult& = GetTempFileName(GetNewPath$, szPrefix$, wUnique&, szTempFileName$)

GetNewFileName = MidB$(szTempFileName$, 1, LenB(szTempFileName$))

End Function

Sub UpdateDocument()

If szTempFileName$ <> "" Then Kill szTempFileName$

szTempFileName$ = GetNewFileName()

MolToVrml szOpenedFileName$, szTempFileName$, nMode%

t = ""

N = 0

Open szTempFileName$ For Input As #1

Do While Not EOF(1) And N < 100

Line Input #1, tt

t = t & tt & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

N = N + 1



frmMolView.TextEdit.Text = t

End Sub

Type Ver.1.05
[utf-8] [shift_jis]

名称: 教育用公開ウェブサービス
URL: 🔗 https://edu.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/
管理運用 山形大学 学術情報基盤センター

名称: サイバーキャンパス「鷹山」
URL: 🔗 http://amenity.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/
管理運用 山形大学 データベースアメニティ研究会
〒992-8510 山形県米沢市城南4丁目3-16

Copyright ©1996- 2024 Databese Amenity Laboratory of Virtual Research Institute,  Yamagata University All Rights Reserved.