🌡️ 📆 令和6年6月15日



- Bug fix bond rubberbanding


- Refactoring of JME code: bond creation bug fix


- Refactoring of JME code


- Tool chain bug fix

- Applet resizes automatically when the browser window resizes


- Empty mol return a valid MOL with 0 atoms and bonds

- After importing a reaction with atom mapping, the numbering atom tool will use the largest atom map + 1

- Refactoring of JME code


- Bug fix: clicking on NEW and 123 does not generate structure change events

- Disable logging of null events

- Changing atom type using the keyboard while the cursor is over an atom does not change the atom type menu selection

- Using the ring keyboard shortcuts while the cursor is over an atom or a bond does not change the menu


- depictAction bug fix


- new generic callback

- atom clicked and bond clicked callback


- New button for I/O

- Updated smaller icon for drag and drop


- fixed broken links in doc.html


- bug fix: read JSME string with more than 10 marked atoms

- replaced the star by a circle

- jsa,css bug fix


- depict mode:leave 16 px for the DnD icon to avoid overlap

JSME 2015-05-03

- bug fix: autonumber was not working anymore after array optimization (123)

- remove linker name (e.g xsiframe) from the name of the distribution

- Microsoft Edge compatibility test performed: Window clipboard is not supported anymore

JSME 2015-03-19

- Fixed many bugs in the depict mode in order to allow to switch back and forth between depict and edit mode

- new methods isDepictMode(), addMouseOutHandler()

JSME 2015-03-01

- Enable touch events on a ChromeBook

- JavaScript Bootstrap library compatibility fix (computation of character height)

- R4 to R9 smiles generation fix

JSME 2015-02-25

- R4 to R9

JSME 2015-02-09

- bug fix for SMILES generation of pyrrole [nH], H was missing

JSME 2015-01-28

- Ctr V shortcut fixed

JSME 2015-01-22

- file out browse button

- V3000 export

- bug fix: missing event record for closing a bond on an atom

JSME 2014-12-24

- bug fix: missing event record for paste

JSME 2014-12-20

- reenable older event callback

JSME 2014-12-07

- missing event record for more keyboard events, improve undo/redo record event

JSME 2014-12-04

- missing event record for set atom type with keyboard


- BUG: copy SDF of a multipart: invalid ISO

- array JavaScript optimization

- Record an event during add chain for each bond


- template bug fix


- Bug fix: JSME in a hidden DIV would not be visible


- Drag and Drop enabled on IE6 to IE9 (does not work with files)

- Template 1st implementation

- Missing new lines in doc.html


- incorrect atom mapping read from RXN when numbering option is set - fixed

- export SMIRKS with "a" did not works with atom mapping - fixed


- Paste behavior changed: if current status is multipart or reaction, then the new structure will be added and will be the selected structure

- new linker (xsiframe) for CDT testing


- Paste behavior changed: if current status is multipart or reaction, then the new structure will be added

- remove H bug fix

- bug fix: structure underneath the menu region: highlight must dissapear


- new resize method


- bond marking allowed

- bug fix: paste of a multipart structure with isotopic atom


- setAction, depictaction


- Font size can be changed with setAtomMolecularAreaFontSize


- bug fix: date in exported MOL

- new callback setAfterStructureModifiedCallback


- isotopic atoms implementation

- star marker: the MOL generation now set the atom map for each marked atom


- smaller initial download size by about 25 %

- scaling picture: further improved for very small depiction

- high precision 2D coordinates


- removehsc new

- scaling picture: improved for very small depiction


- initialization error will not open an alert but write a message to the console instead


- small refactoring inside the JME code

- bug fix in doc.html


- callback function setNotifyStructuralChangeJSfunction does not need the nocanonize function anymore


- bug fix:D&D icon disappears after resizing JSME

- bug fix: resizing JSME, avoid multiple SVG/VML generation after each resize

- improved setNotifyAtomHighLightChangeJSfunction

- two more example pages about JSME resize

- depict mode takes the callback function notifyAtomHighLightJSfunction

- after clearing the canvas, the undo stack is not deleted anymore


- bug fix in index.html


- More simple installation examples

- index.html file

- improved doc.html file

- star option documented


- New methods: addClickHandler(), addMouseOverHandler()


- New methods: getOffsetSize(), getOffsetWidth(), getOffsetHeight(), setWidth(), setHeight(), isVisible(), setVisible()

- improved javadoc API


- new utility function: Utils.runAfterBrowserEventLoopReturns

- setSize() method

- call back function argument for replaceAllAppletsByJSME

- JME: cache font and font metrics for the drawing area useful for many depictions

- scaling picture bug fix: the 2px padding around the atom labels was not scaled


- Easy migration JME->JSME

- new documentation file: doc.html - still incomplete

- new option: paste/nopaste to disable pasting MOL into the applet

- query mode disabled by default

- aromaticity SMARTS query bug fix


-xbutton, noxbutton options work


- For IE11, the clipboard management had to be adapted because of the unconventional user agent in IE11 (=Firefox)

- Android and iPad do not show the drag out button because dragging out does not work on these systems

- bug fix: undo & redo was not working for atom atom mapping

- Note: the number of GWT permutations has increased to 30


- atom move atom button is optional (turned off by default)

- improved JSME_chemical_resolver_demo.html page


- move atom button

- java application exits when its window is closed, no more END button

- new simpler HTML demo page


- bug fix: IE has no console unless the debugger window is open

- deleting explicit hydrogens when importing a structure from chemical resolver (demo page)


- Custom paste menu and custom paste operation

- non GPL licensed image for the drag and drop icon

- local antialias for VML

- line width for the molecular area

- JavaDoc of the API

- clear function added


- bug fix in JSObject

JSME_2013-03-30 :

- Drag out of MOL/RXN and drop onto another applet or on to a file system window to save the file

- DnD demo page

- No more alert window if the function jsmeOnLoad is not defined - instead provides a message to the console

- clear SDF stack as well when clicking on the clear icon

- stereo bond cancel bug fix (bug shows up visible with undo/redo)

- interactive atom marking demo page

- multiple instances of the editor in the same HTML page work

JSME_2013-03-24 :

- Drag and drop of files onto the applet

JSME_2013-03-21 :

- undo bug fix

- showInfo function

JSME_2013-03-19 :

- antialias is on by default for SVG and off for VML

- new help page

- first public release

JSME_2013-03-18 :

- spiro button

- triple bond in menu is improved - looks better with browser with poor antialias

JSME_2013-03-16 :

- rename JavaScriptApplet to JSApplet to avoid trademark problems with JavaScript

- disable molecule scaling for IOS

- removes blue marking about atoms and bonds after click enabled unless touch device

JSME_2013-03-14 :

- increased touch radius for atoms and bonds - much better usability on iPad

JSME_2013-03-13 : not for redistribution

- first DIV shield - still bugs

- rubber banding box was not saved in the undo stack - fixed

JSME_2013-03-12 : not for redistribution

- Rollback of all the Smiles changes, no more example of NotifyStructuralChangeJSfunction provided

- improved rotation&scaling on iPad. Scaling is still buggy

JSME_2013-03-11 : not for redistribution

- Smiles generation changes the atom ordering of the atoms in the editor, which is a problem for the NotifyStructuralChangeJSfunction. Fixed.

JSME_2013-03-10 : not for redistribution

- Scaling of the molecule implemented for touch devices - still buggy. Problem with rotation, does not work on Android

- NotifyStructuralChangeJSfunction - problem with smiles generation


- Marked atoms are not displayed anymore with a blue square after touch/mouse up

- Touch device: rotation bug fixed (random jump move at the end of the rotation)

- bug fix for CSS distribution


- Touch device: rotation works on iPad


- Touch device: touch and hold will show the copy&paste popup menu

- Touch device: mouse events of drawing area were replaced by touch events in order to have a faster response on the iPad

- Touch device: structure can be moved. It is smooth on a iPad 4, slow on a Samsung Note

- Touch device: bond angle can be changed, multichain works

- CSS pollution: all global CSS definitions were removed from all the included CSS files from GWT and gwt-mosaic

- CSS global protection: better protection against global CSS definitions from the host page

Known bug: scaling and bond length rubber banding

Type Ver.1.05
[utf-8] [shift_jis]

名称: 教育用公開ウェブサービス
URL: 🔗 https://edu.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/
管理運用 山形大学 学術情報基盤センター

名称: サイバーキャンパス「鷹山」
URL: 🔗 http://amenity.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/
管理運用 山形大学 データベースアメニティ研究会
〒992-8510 山形県米沢市城南4丁目3-16

Copyright ©1996- 2024 Databese Amenity Laboratory of Virtual Research Institute,  Yamagata University All Rights Reserved.